University Approved Hashtags

If you have a hashtag you would like approved, send it to with a description.

#Pirates, #PirateNation#GoPirates#ECU, #ECUPirates – Everything campus and Pirates related

#ARRRGH1,  #ECUResearcher, #ECUResearch – Referencing ECU’s R1 research designation and research efforts

#ECU25,  #ECU26, #ECU27, #ECU28, #ECU29 – ECU and class graduation year makes it easier for students to contact other students

#ECUTransfers — Official hashtag for our transfer students

#ECUGrad, #PirateGrad, #PirateGrads – ECU and class graduation year makes it easier for

#PirateNationBound, #ECUOpenHouse, #ECUPiratesAboard , #PirateAboard– Used for students attending open house and students expecting to enroll at ECU

#ECUnited – Movement created by students as a reminder that we are one: a nation, Pirate Nation, united

#NoQuarter, #PackDFS, #RollPirates, #OnePirateNation, #ProPirates, #PiratesInthePros – Array of sports posts showing their Pirate pride for ECU Athletics

#LoyalAndBold – Displaying school spirit amongst fellow Pirates, primarily used with the Alumni Association

#ECUCreed – Used to promote the university creed

#PirateProfile – Students, faculty and staff featured on the homepage

#ECURATraining – Will provide observational insights as to what RAs are doing, feeling, finding interesting throughout training

#ECUViews – Highlighting Pirate Nation through campus photos

#ECUCET, #ECUEngineers – Official hashtags for the College of Engineering and Technology

#ECUEnvironmentalHealth – Official hashtag for the Environmental Health Sciences program

#ECUBiology — Official hashtag for the Department of Biology

#ECUPantry — ECU Food Insecurity Initiative; ECU Purple Pantry programs, events and news

#ECUPolarBear – Annual polar bear plunge

#ECUSafe – Promoting campus safety

#ENC – ECU’s hashtag for eastern North Carolina, the region we call home

#ECUParents – The perfect place for all parents to join in on conversations together

#PirateNationGives – Official hashtag for Pirate Nation Gives, ECU’s day for giving back

#ECUBus, #ECUSafeRide, #ECUTransit – Approved hashtags for ECU Transit

#ECUOrientation – Denoting freshman and transfer orientations typically taking place in the summer and winter

#ECUShoes – Campus Living’s signature mental health program

#ECUDining – Official hashtag for Campus dining

#ECUAccessibility — Official hashtag for the Department of Disability Support Services

#ECUWeather – Talking about Pirate Nation’s weather, the good and the bad

#ECUGreekLife, #ECUGreekWeek, #ECURecruitment – All things Greek Life

#ECURHA – ECU’s Residence Hall Association

#ECUPublicHealth – Official hashtag of the Department of Health Education and Promotion

#Servire, #ECUServes – Featuring ECU-affiliated community service, motto of “to serve”

#ECUWRC — Official hashtag for the ECU Water Resources Center

#PaintItPurple, #WeTheEast, #PiratePride, #ARRRGH — Hashtags used to show Pirate Nation pride

#ECUOffCampus — Official hashtag for Off-Campus Student Services and off-campus student living

#ECURecovery, #ECUStrongerSails — Official hashtags for the ECU Collegiate Recovery Community

#ECUAmbassadors — Official hashtag for ECU Ambassadors; used to promote the program and its events

#JoynerLibrary, #MainCampusLibrary – Everything happening at Joyner Library.

#PirateSocialWorker — Used to promote ECU social workers.

#PirateVeteran, #PirateVeterans — Used to promote and support our ECU veteran students and alumni.

#ECUSTEPP — ECU’s Supporting Transition and Education Through Planning and Partnerships (STEPP) program approved hashtag

#ECUStudentHealth – Student Health Services approved hashtag

#PirateAlumni, #PirateAlum #ecuclassring — Official hashtag for our Pirate Alumni and Alumni Association

#ECUPASC – Pirate Academic Success Center approved hashtag

#ECUCRW –  Campus Recreation and Wellness approved hashtag

#ECUDowdy – Official on-campus student store where you can find everything you need to represent purple and gold

#SustainECU – Sustainability department is making large strides to help make our campus and the world a better place

#BrodySOM, #LakeLaupus, #LaupusLibrary, #PirateNurse, #ECUNursing, #PirateNurseNation, #ECUDental #ECUAlliedHealth, #ECUMedEd – All things College of Nursing, School of Dental Medicine, College of Allied Health Sciences, Brody School of Medicine and Laupus Library

#ECUAbroad – Highlighting students study abroad trips

#ECUCareers, #ECUJobs, #HiringPirates, #JobFairECU, #CoOpECU, #DisneyECU – Official hashtags for highlighting employment opportunities at ECU

#ECUCampusLiving – Official hashtag of Campus Living and Housing Operations

#PiratePups – Hashtag used to feature our favorite Pirate pups

#ECUGradSchool, #GradPirates, #GradPirate – Everything graduate school related

#ECUWayfinder – Official hashtag used to identify students who have received a bachelor’s degree from ECU and have returned for graduate studies

#ECUERHD – Official hashtag for the Ethnic and Rural Health Disparities graduate certificate online program

#AdvancingECU – Official hashtag for ECU Advancement


*The university also creates event-specific hashtags to categorize discussion on major events impacting campus, such as #ECUMatthew during Hurricane Matthew or #HurricaneFlorence during Hurricane Florence.


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